The ROLEs standard includes sustainability principles and criteria which include aspects of legality, economic sustainability, environmental sustainability, socio-cultural factors, and traceability that must be met by rattan supply chain actors to be able to obtain ROLEs certification.
SIGN UPIn general, there are 3 levels of certification, namely:
Marked with a certification label on a white background. This certification model is a transitional model and can only be valid for two years. Consists of two sub-models, namely: Rattan Sustainable Sourcing Program (RSSP) and Credit sub-model.RSSP< /em> occurs when rattan supply chain actors collaborate with each other with support from the ROLEs unit, to encourage rattan harvesting, processing and trading models that comply with the ROLEs sustainability principles and criteria. RSSP tries to en...
DETAILMarked with a certification label on a green background. All supply chain actors from this model have been certified through peer-review or the ROLES audit commission. The mass-balance (percentage) model ALLOWS the mixing of most certified rattan with non-certified rattan with a composition of more than 50% certified rattan. This model consists of two sub-models, namely; Mass balance/Mixed Model 1 and Mass balance/Mixed Model 2.Mass-Balance Model 1 occurs when mixing has occurred at the proce...
DETAILMarked with a certification label on a black background. All supply chain actors from this model have been certified through peer-review or the ROLES audit commission. The Segregation Model occurs when there is physical and document separation between certified rattan and not along the supply chain. The Segregation Model consists of three sub models, namely; Bulk-Segregation Model (SG-1), Percentage-Segregation Model (SG-2) and Straight-Segregation Model (SG-3).Bulk-Segregation Model (SG-1) o...
DETAILMarked with a certification label on a white background. This certification model is a transitional model and can only be valid for two years. Consists of two sub-models, namely: Rattan Sustainable Sourcing Program (RSSP) and Credit sub-model.
RSSP< /em> occurs when rattan supply chain actors collaborate with each other with support from the ROLEs unit, to encourage rattan harvesting, processing and trading models that comply with the ROLEs sustainability principles and criteria. RSSP tries to encourage the involvement of rattan business actors to implement sustainable sourcing in their supply chains. All rattan players can be involved whether they are certified (using peer review or audit) or only verified (using self-assessment or peer review).
Credit Model strong> occurs if the rattan processor/exporter has not been certified but has been verified using the ROLEs self-assessment or peer review scheme. The processor/exporter buys rattan raw materials from certified producers (RLI standard) and then uses it in the production process. Sustainability claims use a mass-balance (credit) model, where the weight of the rattan product that is claimed to be certified (output) must be equivalent to the certified rattan raw material input by considering the conversion factor.
Marked with a certification label on a green background. All supply chain actors from this model have been certified through peer-review or the ROLES audit commission. The mass-balance (percentage) model ALLOWS the mixing of most certified rattan with non-certified rattan with a composition of more than 50% certified rattan. This model consists of two sub-models, namely; Mass balance/Mixed Model 1 and Mass balance/Mixed Model 2.
Mass-Balance Model 1 occurs when mixing has occurred at the processing level of wet rattan into raw material rattan. Traceability only reaches the identified raw material processor.
Mass-balance Model 2 occurs if at the processing level of wet rattan into raw material rattan, a segregation process is carried out (separation) between certified and non-certified rattan. Mixing occurs at the final product processor so that traceability can reach identified farmer groups.
Marked with a certification label on a black background. All supply chain actors from this model have been certified through peer-review or the ROLES audit commission. The Segregation Model occurs when there is physical and document separation between certified rattan and not along the supply chain. The Segregation Model consists of three sub models, namely; Bulk-Segregation Model (SG-1), Percentage-Segregation Model (SG-2) and Straight-Segregation Model (SG-3).
Bulk-Segregation Model (SG-1) occurs if all the rattan used in producing 100% certified products comes from certified sources. vary. Certified rattan from various sources is mixed in such a way that information about the origin (identity preserved) cannot be proven. The traceability claim for SG-1 products is down to the farmer/raw material processing group level with each product containing 100% rattan originating from certified sources.
Percentage-Segregation Model (SG -2)allows mixing of certified rattan with non-certified rattan/other materials with more than 50% of each product coming from certified rattan. Raw materials and final rattan products are separated physically and documented in such a way that the identity of the rattan product from the garden can be maintained (identity preserved). The traceability claim for SG-2 products is up to the rattan plantation level with each product containing the majority of certified rattan from identifiable plantations (identity preserved).
Straight-Segregation Model (SG- 3)occurs if all the rattan used in producing 100% certified products comes from separate rattan sources and is traced to the rattan plantation level. SG-3 products are the highest level in the ROLEs certification stratification. The traceability claim is down to the rattan plantation level with each product containing 100% certified rattan from identifiable gardens (identity preserved).
This website is a "Web Database" used for the community-based process of monitoring and managing "ROTAN" which will focus on traceability and sustainability so that sustainable management of "ROTAN" can be realized. Sustainable management of rattan will have an impact on reducing the amount of forest destruction.
GO TO WEBSITEThe smell of lore itself is great, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Rhoncus time phasellus tomorrow very brown Euismod from chocolate. I hate makeup and I don't even want chocolate before tomorrow. As a course, unless I put an employee. Let it be as if it were an urn. Facilisis presente malesuada suscipit fringilla terlus apten esseres presente. Praesent pulvinar nare auctor felis orci eu justo! with easy ends. The silent bed, the funny makeup, no cartoons of our time mourn. With the comfort of our large fleet of passengers, that is the airline. Let us live in a variety of ways, with no end in sight. Eros, with the arrows of the adversary; nor does it sometimes follow the marriage of dignissim. It is easy to be silent in front of two people, unless it needs a layer of soil. The life of the ligula mecenas is suitable for brown linen. Or, for a time, football is ugly. A mass of fringing feathers In fact, he places the biggest bronze cartoon in front of the hospital. There is no need to decorate the property with this protein-rich product. The course of the lake is not fraught; it is said that the fermentation will take place over time. Curabitur augue mauris to decorate whole projects, urn nisl. There is no greater price for members of the family than the easy pulvinar ligula. For marriages are suitable for the beginnings of the beginnings and the gods. Nor from the very easy one; I'm smiling now.
The smell of lore itself is great, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Rhoncus time phasellus tomorrow very brown Euismod from chocolate. I hate makeup and I don't even want chocolate before tomorrow. As a course, unless I put an employee. Let it be as if it were an urn. Facilisis presente malesuada suscipit fringilla terlus apten esseres presente. Praesent pulvinar nare auctor felis orci eu justo! with easy ends. The silent bed, the funny makeup, no cartoons of our time mourn. With the comfort of our large fleet of passengers, that is the airline. Let us live in a variety of ways, with no end in sight. Eros, with the arrows of the adversary; nor does it sometimes follow the marriage of dignissim. It is easy to be silent in front of two people, unless it needs a layer of soil. The life of the ligula mecenas is suitable for brown linen. Or, for a time, football is ugly. A mass of fringing feathers In fact, he places the biggest bronze cartoon in front of the hospital. There is no need to decorate the property with this protein-rich product. The course of the lake is not fraught; it is said that the fermentation will take place over time. Curabitur augue mauris to decorate whole projects, urn nisl. There is no greater price for members of the family than the easy pulvinar ligula. For marriages are suitable for the beginnings of the beginnings and the gods. Nor from the very easy one; I'm smiling now.
The smell of lore itself is great, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Rhoncus time phasellus tomorrow very brown Euismod from chocolate. I hate makeup and I don't even want chocolate before tomorrow. As a course, unless I put an employee. Let it be as if it were an urn. Facilisis presente malesuada suscipit fringilla terlus apten esseres presente. Praesent pulvinar nare auctor felis orci eu justo! with easy ends. The silent bed, the funny makeup, no cartoons of our time mourn. With the comfort of our large fleet of passengers, that is the airline. Let us live in a variety of ways, with no end in sight. Eros, with the arrows of the adversary; nor does it sometimes follow the marriage of dignissim. It is easy to be silent in front of two people, unless it needs a layer of soil. The life of the ligula mecenas is suitable for brown linen. Or, for a time, football is ugly. From In fact, he places the biggest bronze cartoon in front of the hospital. There is no need to decorate the property with this protein-rich product. The course of the lake is not fraught; it is said that the fermentation will take place over time. Curabitur augue mauris to decorate whole projects, urn nisl. There is no greater price for members of the family than the easy pulvinar ligula. For marriages are suitable for the beginnings of the beginnings and the gods. Nor from the very easy one; I'm smiling now.
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